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Like many in the coaching profession, I come here by way of a series of life events--both joyful and challenging-- and I believe that using those experiences to help others through coaching is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now. As a faith-centered wife and mother of three grown sons (and five grandchildren!) I have walked through many of life's trials and joys, and I believe they have equipped me to serve others in their journey to a fulfilling, meaningful life. 

A combination of a satisfying and successful career as a teacher and school counselor, many volunteer positions in my community and church, and an empty nest but still lots of energy, I felt called to Life Coaching and Enneagram Coaching as my second career. Coaching combines my passion of connecting with others and my strengths of discernment and compassion so that I can be a change agent for those seeking solutions to both personal and professional challenges. It is a privilege I hold  sacred to be able impact the lives of my clients in a positive way. I look forward to our partnership!

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